You should set time in Ubuntu server according to your local timezone to track logs easily.
1. To set time in Ubuntu, we will enter the visual wizard for the timezone. As we mentioned earlier, to paste commands (text) on PuTTY SSH client or Linux terminal, just copy the command (Ctrl+V). Then, click a (single right click) anywhere on the PuTTY’s black screen (console). The text will be pasted starting from the position of the green cursor. We used the command: clear
(or Ctrl+L), to clear everything on the console.
root@vmi537513:~# dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

2. The configuration wizard will show up, use the up and down arrow keys to move between timezone‘s. Use the Tab button to select Ok or Cancel options. Alternatively, you can confirm the selection of the timezone by clicking on Enter key. You can cancel and go back by clicking on Esc key.