Roundcube Admin Panel Installation

Roundcube Admin Panel Installation

We will install Roundcube webmail via Roundcube admin panel quickly and easily on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

Roundcube is a very popular free web-based email client. It integrates with email servers to send and receive emails. That is to say, Roundcube is a powerful tool that supports SMTP and IMAP email protocols. In this article, we will show you in simple steps how to use Roundcube admin panel to install Roundcube on your VPS server.

To install Roundcube easily on your server, follow the steps below:

a. Download Roundcube

1. We will create a directory for the webmail inside the website main directory. For example, you will access the mail by going to a link similar to this link:

Run the command below in order to create the website directory sitebase in the server:

root@mail:~# mkdir /var/www/html/sitebase
Create sitebase Main Website Directory

Also, create a webmail directory inside the website directory by running the command below:

root@mail:~# mkdir /var/www/html/sitebase/webmail
Create Webmail Directory

2. Enter your website directory sitebase by running the below command:

root@mail:~# cd /var/www/html/sitebase

3. To download the latest version of Roundcube, go to Roundcube official website download page:

Then, click on secondary click (right mouse click) on the Download button. After that, click on Copy link address to get the link of the latest version as follows:

Note that this is the link address which we have copied:

So, let’s use the aforementioned link to download Roundcube via wget by running the below command:

root@mail:/var/www/html/sitebase# wget
Download Roundcube via Wget

4. When it’s done, unzip the downloaded file:

root@mail:/var/www/html/sitebase# tar xfz roundcubemail-1.4.13-complete.tar.gz

5. Move the content inside the zipped folder to webmail directory:

root@mail:/var/www/html/sitebase# mv roundcubemail-1.4.13/* webmail

6. Delete the folders that we’re no longer in need for them:

Delete Roundcube Unwanted Folders
root@mail:/var/www/html/sitebase# rm roundcubemail-1.4.13-complete.tar.gz
root@mail:/var/www/html/sitebase# rm -rf roundcubemail-1.4.13

b. Install PHP, Nginx and MariaDB in case They Don’t Exist

1. Refer to our super easy articles that explain how to install PHP, Nginx and MariaDB services on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS in case you haven’t installed any of them. Note that Roundcube supports PHP versions which are greater than 7.4 and less than 8.0 (until this date).

2. Also, you need to install mbstring extension:

apt install php7.4-mbstring

As well as XML extension which is required for the DOM and XML:

apt install php7.4-xml 

And MySQL extension:

apt install php7.4-mysql

c. Create Roundcube Database

Roundcube installation requires a database in order to save its own data. Note that the email addresses won’t be saved in Roundcube database, they are saved in IMAP folders.

1. Login to MariaDB console, then run the following command:

MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE roundcube_db;
Create Roundcube MySQL Database

2. Create MySQL user for roundcube:

MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE USER 'roundcube_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '123456789';
Create Roundcube MySQL User

3. Grant all privileges on roundcube_db to roundcube_user by running the following command:

MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON roundcube_db.* TO 'roundcube_user'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;
Grant Privileges on Roundcube Database to Roundcube User

Note that you can refer to Create New MySQL Database article to learn more about database commands.

d. Adjust DNS Records for Your Domain

Go to your DNS settings in your domain registrar panel. Then, create an A Record for your domain that you would like to host on your server as below:

DNS Record TypeHostContent, Value or the AnswerTTL (Time To Live)
A@ min (or the minimum allowed)
DNS Record TypeHostContent, Value or the AnswerTTL (Time To Live)
Awww144.91.72.551 min (or the minimum allowed)

We already explained how to configure DNS records and add A record in DNS Settings article (Add A Record part) and Nginx Virtual Hosts Configuration article (part: a. Adjust DNS Records For Your Domain).

e. Obtain SSL Certificate & Configure Virtual Hosts

1. To obtain an SSL certificate, refer to Nginx Virtual Hosts Configuration article (part: b. Obtain SSL Certificate).

2. To configure virtual hosts, refer to Nginx Virtual Hosts Configuration (part: c. Manage Nginx Virtual Hosts Directories (sites-available and sites-enabled)) and go for the case: If iRedMail is Not Installed, in case iRedMail is not installed.

3. Change the ownership of webmail folder in order to grant Roundcube an access to write/save files into temp and logs directories:

root@vpsprof:/var/www/html/sitebase# chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/sitebase/webmail

f. Start Roundcube Admin Panel

Roundcube Admin Panel Environment Check

1. Before using Roundube webmail, we need to access Roundcube admin panel installer page by navigating to the equivalent of this URL in your browser:

In case you you have any problem with accessing Roundcube admin panel, you should check your webserver error log by running the command below. In our case, we use Nginx webserver:

root@vpsprof:/var/www/html/sitebase# tail -100 /var/log/nginx/error.log

2. As you see, everything is fine except the timezone. To fix it, just go to php.ini file by running the following command:

root@vpsprof:/var/www/html/sitebase# nano /etc/php/7.4/fpm/php.ini

Then, search for date.timezone line and add the following line below it with your preferable timezone without semicolon at the beginning:

date.timezone = America/New_York

After that, restart php-fpm service for the changes to take effect by running the command:

root@vpsprof:/var/www/html/sitebase# service php7.4-fpm restart

3. Now, refresh the page, everything should be fine then click on NEXT as below:

Roundcube Admin Panel Timezone Solved

Roundcube Admin Panel Configuration

4. In the next step (page), we will need to configure database base setup according to our database variables that we created earlier as below:

Roundcube Admin panel Database Setup

5. Edit IMAP settings as below:

IMAP Host:


Default Port:

Roundcube Admin Panel IMAP Settings

6. Edit SMTP settings as below:

SMTP Server:

Roundcube Admin Panel SMTP Settings

7. For the rest of the settings and the plugins, you can turn on the ones you need then click on CREATE CONFIG:

Roundcube Admin Panel Create Config

8. As you see below, we need to create a config file in config directory then load it with the PHP code.

Roundcube Create Config PHP Code

For this purpose, let’s open file as below:

root@vpsprof:~# nano /var/www/html/sitebase/webmail/config/

Then, add the PHP code inside it as you see here. After that, close and save the file.

Add Roundcube Config in Config File

9. Once you’re done, click on CONTINUE button.

Roundcube Create Config Continue

Roundcube Admin Panel Test

10. As you see, everything is okay, but we need to initialize the database. So, click on Initialize database button:

Roundcube Test Config Initialize Database

Once you click on Initialize database button, the database will be initialized as you see here:

Roundcube Test Config Database Initialized

g. Test SMTP and IMAP

1. To test SMTP, enter the values as per below then click on Send test email. Note that the Username and Sender can be any email address you own. The Recipient can be any email address.

Test SMTP Config Roundcube Admin Panel

As you see, the test email has been sent successfully!

Test SMTP Config Success Roundube Admin Panel

2. To Test IMAP, enter the values as per below then click on Check login.

Test IMAP Config Roundcube Admin Panel

As you see, the login has failed, the error message says:

Connecting to ssl://
IMAP connect:  NOT OK (Login failed for against from Could not connect to ssl:// Unknown reason)
Test IMAP Config Failed Roundcube Admin Panel

To fix the problem, just add the following line anywhere inside file

$config['imap_conn_options'] = array ( 'ssl' => array ( 'verify_peer' => false ) );

Check IMAP login again, as you see, it works now:

Test IMAP Config Success Roundcube Admin Panel

3. Delete the installer by running the below command:

root@vpsprof:~# rm -r /var/www/html/sitebase/webmail/installer

4. Now, you’re able to login to Roundcube using the email address you own and its password.

Login to Roundcube

To learn more about Roundcube webmail and other admin panels that come with iRedMail and to see how to send your first email, check this article: Roundcube Webmail and Admin Panels Login.